TL;DR I create pitch decks for startups that want to raise a round. I go deep into the essence of the business and find advantages that will hook an investor

with good karma
My name is Valerie.

I know how to create presentations that attract investors.
I know the underside of VC business, work as a growth mentor and help create pitch decks for startups.

My job is to find the strengths in each business that will attract the attention of an investor.

I don't teach drawing pretty slides and spectacular gestures, because that's useless in the world of venture capital. The main thing is the essence of business

about me
about me
about me
about me
about the project
about the project
about the project
about the project
about the project
about the project
about me
about the project
about the project
about me

about me
about me
about me
обо мне
обо мне
обо мне
easy peasy!
The first consultation lasts for up to 1.5 hours, where I go into detail about the business, the features of the business model, what problem your bubiness can solve and, most important of all, why it is worth it.

Deep dive
From the all fragmented facts, I assemble a compelling story for the investor, and create a draft presentation with attention grabing content.
Based on the draft, the designer creates minimalistic slides that highlight key facts and figures. You can take the desing off your to-do list, as we'll take care of it all. No need to pay separately - the design is included in the price.
Know both sides
I have been in the shoes of investors more than once (Fort Ross Ventures, Admitad Invest) who selects presentations and listens to pitches at events. In most cases, the reaction is only one: «When will it end?» There's nothing more boring than watching great dreams alone without substance.

Old hand at pitches
Over the past four years, I've prepared more than 300 investor presentations for events including Slush, WebSummit and investor emails.

With my help, more than 50 pitch decks have succesfully raised (from seed to B-round).

Deep into industry
My main specialty is startup growth. I have a deep understanding of how startups work from the inside and what investors want to know, so I can highlight important metrics and details. But I cannot make a good case out of a business without real results. That is why I do not take on projects at the idea stage.

We deep dive into your business in detail, so I understand what strengths need to be emphasized.

Result: content for each slide

Duration: 1.5 hours consultation
Content only
$ 300
At the 1.5 hour meeting I go deep into your business, then I create a draft of each slide, which is then styled by the experienced designer.

Result: a ready-to-go pitch deck

Duration: up to 2 weeks
Pitch deck done
$ 700
I create a pitch deck, as well as write the text of the speech for the oral presentation, and help you train pitching skills.

Result: a finished performance (pitch deck, and you - ready to speak up)

Duration: up to 3 weeks
Speech ready
$ 1200
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